Labour and Environmental Policies

Materials Used

The Pepin Press is FSC®-accredited with license number SCS-COC-000652-ALV. Our FSC® logo license number is C016391. Paper constitutes 99% of materials used for Pepin Press’ products and is made in the European Union (Poland, Finland and The Netherlands). Our paper complies with FSC® standards and our printing facilities are FSC®-accredited and ISO-certified.

We have minimised the use of plastics in our products and packaging.

Factory Inspections
All factories that currently manufacture goods for The Pepin Press hold appropriate certificates in
testimony of good labour conditions and responsible environmental policies. Production sites are in Malaysia, Singapore and The Netherlands.  We extensively inspect all factories ourselves, verifying, among other things, the general working environment, labour conditions and waste disposal. The Pepin Press works closely with its manufacturers and visits often take several working days, supervising production and following all steps in the production chain from the storage of our own paper stocks, prepress, printing, binding and packing. We are confident that no child labour nor any form of forced labour is being used in any factory producing Pepin Press’ products.

The Pepin Press collects and keeps up to date documentation with regard to manufacturing and labour
standards. Certificates and audit reports currently held include FSC®, PEFCTM, EU Ecolabel, ISO 9001,
ISO 14001, ISO 50001, OHSAS 18001, SGS , and Sedex Ethical Trade.

If information is needed about any of our products, please submit your request to, stating the product or series about which you wish to know more.
